ProViotic products are based on the unique features of probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus bulgaricus GLB44 and L. plantarum GLP3, sold under the consumer brand ProViotic. ProViotic has a unique, significant product niche due to its vegan, organic and purely natural characteristic and resonates with the growing health conscious consumer. These unique features are communicated to the final consumers due to their lifestyle nature without having to deal with health claim issues. For these reasons, both the Wall Street Journal and Oprah’s Magazine featured ProViotic as a product with a unique story.

Lactobacillus bulgaricus GLB44 and L. plantarum GLP3 are unique probiotic bacteria (CFU/g > 10^9) with proven antibacterial and antifungal activity against certain pathogenic bacteria molds and yeasts, including Asp. flavus and C. albicans without affecting good microflora as attested to by Harvard Medical School Professor Dr. Onderdonk and currently sold under the brand ProViotic.

Thanks to its unique selling propositions – scientific study done at Harvard Medical school, organic origin of the ingredients in addition to being purely vegan because it is isolated from the leaves of a snowdrop flower – our ProViotic became a preferred product in high-end chain stores that promote healthy lifestyle like Juice Press with more than 100 stores in Manhattan alone or Naturalia with more than 200 locations throughout France. ProViotic is positioned in 500 Boots stores in the UK as well as retailers in Austria, France, Canada and Japan. Wholefoods Market in Vancouver Canada has also just launched ProViotic with significant success.

Since the begging the of Corona virus outbreak we saw surge in demand for our ProViotic because of its immune system boosting qualities. When most business suffer from the lockdown and the economic inactivity, we barely manage to keep up with the orders for our immunomodulator and we try to constantly adapt to the needs of our clients.

The situation is so unpredictable that even a company like Naturalia, who knows very well the French market and the behavior of its customers, did not predict the demand for our ProViotic and their shelfs were left empty within a week. We were asked to deliver bigger quantities within shorter delays to keep up with the demand. The French chain’s request is to have it delivered within 7 days instead of the traditional 21. The French buyer personally calls us and asks for a quick order. We reply that we can execute the order in 14 days. Normally Naturalia places their orders three weeks in advance but now we’ve pushed our productions capacity to the max and even diverted some quantities from other European markets as to fulfil their order.

This is how we adapt to the situation and we are prepared to respond to the demand of our ProViotic since we expect the demand to increase as people become more and more aware that the best way to prevent a viral infection is to have good immunity.

Research Summary for Lactobacillus bulgaricus G-LB-44

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